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LORD God said

It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.

Genesis 2:18

India a Welcome

With 1.3 billion people, India is one of the largest and neediest countries in the world. Half of the world’s orphans live in India.

India is a beautiful and diverse country. People fall in love with the warmth of the culture and hospitality of the people. However,

the widespread poverty and disease calls us to respond in action.


There are over 30 million child labourers or children sold into slavery. HIV/AIDS, malaria, polio, leprosy, air-borne and water-borne diseases are rampant. People ignorantly live in unhygienic conditions, affecting their health extensively. Most of the poor cannot afford health care.  Massive flooding and high temperatures wreak havoc upon the population almost annually. Food, medical care, education, and love are very much needed.

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Phone Number:    +918153 – 270115


Mobile Numbers: +91 934 320 0694

                                +91 959 151 8633

                                +91 974 016 7633


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152/1, Capernaum, Grace Gardens,

Keel Krishnapuram, Oorgaumpet post,

Kolar Gold Fields. Pin 563 121,

Karnataka. India.

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